HTML – Charset

What is a HTML Charset ?

HTML Charset is called as HTML Character Sets, which is a process of HTML Encoding.

This is the most important part which allows the webpage to display any type of characters properly in correct format.

Browser can display  alphabets, numbers and some other symbols correctly.

How HTML Charset works ?

HTML Charset displays alphabets, numbers and symbols.

These HTML Character Sets, assigns some numbers to these character set in the web browser, which is then used in the internet.

The web browser will display all type of alphabets, numbers and some other symbols.

HTML Character Sets or HTML Encoding

There are four types of HTML Character Encoding listed below,

1. ASCII Character Set

2. ANSI Character Set

3. ISO-8859-1 Character Set

4. UTF-8/UTF-16 Character Set

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1. ASCII Character Set

What is an ASCII Character Set ?

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

This is the first ever character encoding standard is the ASCII standard.

ASCII encoding max character allowed range is 128 characters.

This allows alphabets(A-Z) and (a-z) and some special symbols like + – * / ( ) @ etc.

This type of character encoding are used in C/C++ programming.

The only drawback is ASCII encoding contains only limited range of characters.

2. ANSI Character Set

What is ANSI Character Set ?

ANSI stands for American National Standard Institute.

This is considered as the extended version of ASCII character set.

ANSI Character encoding allows max character upto 256 characters.

ANSI Character Set is also called as Windows-1252.

And this is the default character set for Windows up to Windows 95.

3. ISO-8859-1 Character Set

What is ISO-8859-1 Character Set ?

ISO-8859-1 Character Set is the extended version of ASCII standard with International characters.

ISO-8859-1 Character Set allows max character upto 256 characters.

This allows numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters.

This is the default character encoding in HTML 2.0 and HTML4.

4. UTF-8/UTF-16 Character Set

What is UTF-8 Character Set ?

Since ANSI/ISO-8859-1/ANSI allows only limited character range upto 256.

So UTF-8 and UTF-16 standards was developed by Unicode Consortium.

This allows all the character and punctuation symbols.

HTML4 Implementation

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">

HTML5 Implementation

<meta charset="UTF-8">