HTML – Phrase Tags

What is a phrase tag?

Phrase tag indicates the structural meaning of a block of text.

These tags are special purpose tags, defines the semantics of text.

Why phrase tags are used?

Phrase tag is used to format the block of text with proper structural meaning of it.

How phrase tag works?

Phrase tags formats the text which is enclosed with phrase tags.

For example, if the text is enclosed with in <em></em> tags, this will emphasise the text and this tag is displayed the italic font in a browser.

There are a list of phrase tags.

1. Emphasised Tag

2. Marked Tag

3. Strong Tag

4. Abbreviation Tag

5. Acronym Tag

6. Special Terminology / Definition Tag

7. Quoting Tag

8. Short Quote Tag

9. Code Tag

10. Keyboard Tag

11. Address Tag

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1. Emphasised Tag

Emphasis Tag is used to emphasising the content within its opening and closing tags.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>This bag is <em>beautiful</em></p>
                <p>This bike is <em>good</em></p>
                <p>This toy is <em>beautiful</em></p>
                <p>This cat is <em>beautiful</em></p>
                <p>This dog is <em>beautiful</em></p>

Output :

2. Marked Tag

Marked Tag is used for marking the content in yellow as if it has been marked or read.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>This bag is <mark>beautiful</mark></p>
                <p>This bike is <mark>good</mark></p>
                <p>This toy is <mark>beautiful</mark></p>
                <p>This cat is <mark>beautiful</mark></p>
                <p>This dog is <mark>beautiful</mark></p>

Output :

3. Strong Tag

Strong Tag is used to make the word strong or bolder for giving more importance.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>This bag is <strong>beautiful</strong></p>
                <p>This bike is <strong>good</strong></p>
                <p>This toy is <strong>beautiful</strong></p>
                <p>This cat is <strong>beautiful</strong></p>
                <p>This dog is <strong>beautiful</strong></p>

Output :

4. Abbreviation Tag

Abbreviation Tag is used to provide abbreviation to any word written within the opening and closing tag.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <abbr title = "United States">United States</abbr></p>
                <p>IN stands for <abbr title = "India">India</abbr></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <abbr title = "Abdul Kalaam">APJ Abdul Kalaam</abbr></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <abbr title = "World Health Organisation">World Health Organisation</abbr></p>
                <p>EC stands for <abbr title = "European Community">European Community</abbr></p>

Output :

5. Acronym Tag

Acronym Tag is used to showing the content within the opening and closing tag is an acronym.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <acronym title = "United States">United States</acronym></p>
                <p>IN stands for <acronym title = "India">India</acronym></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <acronym title = "Abdul Kalaam">APJ Abdul Kalaam</acronym></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <acronym title = "World Health Organisation">World Health Organisation</acronym></p>
                <p>EC stands for <acronym title = "European Community">European Community</acronym></p>

Output :

6. Special Terminology / Definition Tag

Special Terminology / Definition Tag is used when HTML developers introduce a special term and want to display it differently.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <dfn>United States</dfn></p>
                <p>IN stands for <dfn>India</dfn></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <dfn>APJ Abdul Kalaam</dfn></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <dfn>World Health Organisation</dfn></p>
                <p>EC stands for <dfn>European Community</dfn></p>

Output :

7. Quoting Tag

Quoting Tag is used in situations when HTML developers want to add a quote to a passage from a different source.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <blockquote>United States</blockquote></p>
                <p>IN stands for <blockquote>India</blockquote></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <blockquote>APJ Abdul Kalaam</blockquote></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <blockquote>World Health Organisation</blockquote></p>
                <p>EC stands for <blockquote>European Community</blockquote></p>

Output :

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8. Short Quote Tag

Short Quote Tag is used for adding a double quote to your statement on your web page.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <q>United States</q></p>
                <p>IN stands for <q>India</q></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <q>APJ Abdul Kalaam</q></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <q>World Health Organisation</q></p>
                <p>EC stands for <q>European Community</q></p>

Output :

9. Code Tag

Code Tag is used for making text visualisation as mono-spaced font, just like most of the programming books display code text.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>For loop<code>for(int i=0;i=10;i++){print(i)}</code></p>
                <p>If condition <code>if(a==b){pritln(a)}</code></p>
                <p>Else condition <code>if(a==b){pritln(a)}else{pritln(b)}</code></p>
                <p>While loop <code>while(a=b){pritln(a)} </code></p>
                <p>Do While <code>do(){action}while(condition)</code></p>

Output :

10. Keyboard Tag

Keyboard Tag is used to telling any reader for entering some text; that time, you can use this keyboard tag.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p>US stands for <kbd>United States</kbd></p>
                <p>IN stands for <kbd>India</kbd></p>
                <p>APJ stands for <kbd>APJ Abdul Kalaam</kbd></p>
                <p>WHO stands for <kbd>World Health Organisation</kbd></p>
                <p>EC stands for <kbd>European Community</kbd></p>

Output :

11. Address Tag

Address Tag is used for specifying as well as emphasise that the set of text is an address.

Example :

                <title>My Webpage</title>
                <p><address>Block Number , House number</address>
                <address>Street Name.</address>

Output :

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