HTML Tags – Object Tag

What is the HTML <object> tag ?

HTML <object> tag defines an embedded object within an HTML document.

HTML <object> tag is used to embedded objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations.

We can use the <param> tag to pass parameters to plugins that have been embedded using the <object> tag.

How HTML <object> tag works ?

HTML <object> tag acts as a container to embed an external resource in an HTML document such as audio, video, flash, PDFs, external applications or browser plug-ins.

HTML <object> tag, data attribute specifies the URL of the embedded object.

If we insert text between the <object> and </object> tags, then it will only be displayed if the browser does not support the <object> tag.

Note :

To embed HTML, it is better to use the <iframe> tag.

To embed video or audio, it is better to use the <video> and <audio> tags.

Why is the HTML <object> tag used ?

HTML <object> tag is used to display multimedia like audio’s, videos, images, PDFs, and Flash in web pages.

It can also be used for displaying another web-page inside the HTML page.

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Syntax :

<object data="" type=""></object>

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Object Tag</title>
                <h1 align="left">Object Tag</h1>

        <object data=
                        width="250px" height="250px">Welcome to CSTechbook</object>


Output :

<object> Tag Attributes

HTML <object> tag support following specific attributes.

1dataURLSpecify the URL of the embedded object.
2formform_idSpecify one or more forms that associate with <object> element.
3heightpixelsSpecify the height of the embedded object.
4nametextSpecify the name of the embedded object.
5typeMIME_typeSpecify the content type of the embedded object.
6usemap#nameSpecify name of the <map> element used with embedded object.
7widthpixelsSpecify the width of the embedded object.
Following attribute has been removed in HTML5.
Specify the alignment of the <object> element according to parent element.
2archiveURLSpecifies the archives embedded object URL list separated by whitespace.
3borderpixelsSpecify the border thickness around embedded object.
4codebaseURLSpecify the URL of the object source.
5hspacepixelsSpecify the space on left and right side of the embedded object.
6standbytextSpecify the text to display while loading object.
7vspacepixelsSpecify the space on top and bottom side of the embedded object.

Global Attributes

HTML <object> tag support following global attributes.

1idunique_nameDeclared unique id for an element.
2classclass_nameDeclared one or more classnames for an element.
3stylestylesCSS inline styles specify an element.
4titletitleSpecify extra details of element contain, this will display as a “tooltip” for an elements.

Event Attributes

HTML <object> tag support following event attributes.

1onfocusscriptelement gets focus on object when script tobe run.
2onblurscriptelement lose the focus on object when scrip tobe run.
3onabortscriptelement gets aborted on object when script tobe run.
4onchangescriptelement gets anytime change on object when script tobe run.
5onbeforeunloadscriptelement gets unloaded on object when scrip tobe run.
6onclickscriptclicked on object when script tobe run.
7ondblclickscriptdouble click on object when script tobe run.
8onkeydownscriptkey is pressed when script tobe run.
9onkeypressscriptkey is pressed over element then released when script tobe run.
10onkeyupscriptkey is released over element when script tobe run.
11onmousedownscriptmouse button was pressed over an element when script tobe run.
12onmouseoutscriptmouse pointer release over an element when script tobe run.
13onmousemovescriptrun mouse pointer moved when script tobe run.
14onmouseoverscriptrun mouse pointer move over when script tobe run.
15onmouseupscriptmouse button is released when script tobe run.
16onresetscriptform has been reset when script tobe run.
17onselectscriptSelect some content when script tobe run.
18onsubmitscriptform has been submitted when script tobe run.
19onloadscriptobject has load when script tobe run.
20onchangescriptallow to change the object when script tobe run.
21onunloadscriptunload to the browser window when script tobe run.
22ondragscriptelement being dragged when script tobe run.
23ondragendscriptelement being stop dragged when script tobe run.
24ondragenterscriptelement being go target dragged when script tobe run.
25ondragleavescriptelement being leave to target dragged when script tobe run.
26ondragoverscriptelement being over to target dragged when script tobe run.
27ondragstartscriptelement being start dragged when script tobe run.
28ondropscriptelement being dropped when script tobe run.
29onerrorscriptelement error occurs when script tobe run.
30onmessagescriptelement message display when script tobe run.
31onerrorscriptelement error occurs when script tobe run.
32onmousewheelscriptmouse wheel will be rotate when script tobe run.
33onscrollscriptscrollbar is scroll when script tobe run.
34onresizescriptelement should be resize when script tobe run.
35onselectscriptall element content selected when script tobe run.
36onstoragescriptelement should be store in target when script tobe run.

Browser Compatibility

6Internet ExplorerYes