HTML5 Reference – Character Entities

Essential Entities

The following table lists the the essential entities in HTML.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
2""Double quote mark
3<&lt;&#60;Less than symbol
4>&gt;&#62;Greater than symbol
5&apos;&#39;Apostrophe (XHTML only)

Currency Symbols

The following table lists the entities for currency symbols.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
3¤&curren;&#164;General currency

Copyright, Trademark, and Registered Symbol

The following table lists the entities for copyright, trademark, and registered symbol.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription

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General Punctuation

The following table lists the entities for general punctuation.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
1&ensp;&#8194;En space
2&emsp;&#8195;Em space
3&thinsp;&#8201;Thin space
4 &nbsp;&#160;Nonbreaking space
5&ndash;&#8211;En dash
6&mdash;&#8212;Em dash
7&lsquo;&#8216;Left/Opening single-quote
8&rsquo;&#8217;Right/Closing single-quote and apostrophe
9&sbquo;&#8218;Single low-9 quotation mark
10&ldquo;&#8220;Left/Opening double-quote
11&rdquo;&#8221;Right/Closing double-quote
12&bdquo;&#8222;Double low-9 quotation mark
13&lsaquo;&#8249;Left-pointing single angle quotation mark
14&rsaquo;&#8250;Left-pointing single angle quotation mark
15«&laquo;&#171;Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
16»&raquo;&#187;Right-pointing double angle quotation mark
18&Dagger;&#8224;Double dagger
21&permil;&#8240;Per mille symbol (per thousand)
22&prime;&#8242;Prime, minutes, feet
23&Prime;&#8243;Double prime, seconds, inches
25&frasl;&#8260;Fraction slash


The following table lists the entities for arrows.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
1&larr;&#8592;Left arrow
2&uarr;&#8593;Up arrow
3&rarr;&#8594;Right arrow
4&darr;&#8595;Down arrow
5&harr;&#8596;Left-right arrow
6&crarr;&#8629;Down arrow with corner leftward
7&lArr;&#8656;Leftward double arrow
8&uArr;&#8657;Upward double arrow
9&rArr;&#8658;Rightward double arrow
10&dArr;&#8659;Downward double arrow
11&hArr;&#8660;Left-right double arrow

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Mathematical Symbols

The following table lists the entities for mathematical symbols.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
1&forall;&#8704;for all
2&part;&#8706;Partial differential
3&exist;&#8707;There exists
4&empty;&#8709;Empty set, null set, diameter
5&nabla;&#8711;Nabla, backward difference
6&isin;&#8712;Element of
7&notin;&#8713;Not an element of
8&ni;&#8715;Contains as a member
9&prod;&#8719;N-ary product, product sign
10&sum;&#8721;N-ary summation
11&minus;&#8722;Minus sign
12&lowast;&#8727;Asterisk operator
13&radic;&#8730;Square root, radical sign
14&prop;&#8733;Proportional to
17&and;&#8743;Logical and, wedge
18&or;&#8744;Logical or, vee
19&cap;&#8745;Intersection, cap
20&cup;&#8746;Union, cup
23&sim;&#8764;Tilde operator, varies with, similar to
24&cong;&#8773;Approximately equal to
25&asymp;&#8776;Almost equal to, asymptotic to
26&ne;&#8800;Not equal to
27&equiv;&#8801;Equivalent to
28&le;&#8804;Less than or equal to
29&ge;&#8805;Greater than or equal to
30&sub;&#8834;Subset of
31&sup;&#8835;Superset of
32&nsub;&#8836;Not a subset of
33&sube;&#8838;Subset of or equal to
34&supe;&#8839;Superset of or equal to
35&oplus;&#8853;Circled plus, direct sum
36&otimes;&#8855;Circled times, vector product
37&perp;&#8869;Up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular
38&sdot;&#8901;Dot operator

Greek Letters

The following table lists the entities for greek letters.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
1Α&Alpha;&#913;Greek capital alpha
2Β&Beta;&#914;Greek capital beta
3Γ&Gamma;&#915;Greek capital gamma
4Δ&Delta;&#916;Greek capital delta
5Ε&Epsilon;&#917;Greek capital epsilon
6Ζ&Zeta;&#918;Greek capital zeta
7Η&Eta;&#919;Greek capital eta
8Θ&Theta;&#920;Greek capital theta
9Ι&Iota;&#921;Greek capital iota
10Κ&Kappa;&#922;Greek capital kappa
11Λ&Lambda;&#923;Greek capital lambda
12Μ&Mu;&#924;Greek capital mu
13Ν&Nu;&#925;Greek capital nu
14Ξ&Xi;&#926;Greek capital xi
15Ο&Omicron;&#927;Greek capital omicron
16Π&Pi;&#928;Greek capital pi
17Ρ&Rho;&#929;Greek capital rho
18Σ&Sigma;&#931;Greek capital sigma
19Τ&Tau;&#932;Greek capital tau
20Υ&Upsilon;&#933;Greek capital upsilon
21Φ&Phi;&#934;Greek capital phi
22Χ&Chi;&#935;Greek capital chi
23Ψ&Psi;&#936;Greek capital psi
24Ω&Omega;&#937;Greek capital omega
25α&alpha;&#945;Greek small alpha
26β&beta;&#946;Greek small beta
27γ&gamma;&#947;Greek small gamma
28δ&delta;&#948;Greek small delta
29ε&epsilon;&#949;Greek small epsilon
30ζ&zeta;&#950;Greek small zeta
31η&eta;&#951;Greek small eta
32θ&theta;&#952;Greek small theta
33ι&iota;&#953;Greek small iota
34κ&kappa;&#954;Greek small kappa
35λ&lambda;&#955;Greek small lambda
36μ&mu;&#956;Greek small mu
37ν&nu;&#957;Greek small nu
38ξ&xi;&#958;Greek small xi
39ο&omicron;&#959;Greek small omicron
40π&pi;&#960;Greek small pi
41ρ&rho;&#961;Greek small rho
42ς&sigmaf;&#962;Greek small letter final sigma
43σ&sigma;&#963;Greek small sigma
44τ&tau;&#964;Greek small tau
45υ&upsilon;&#965;Greek small upsilon
46φ&phi;&#966;Greek small phi
47χ&chi;&#967;Greek small chi
48ψ&psi;&#968;Greek small psi
49ω&omega;&#969;Greek small omega
50ϑ&thetasym;&#977;Greek small theta symbol
51ϒ&upsih;&#978;Greek upsilon with hook
52ϖ&piv;&#982;Greek pi symbol

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The following table lists the other useful entities supported by HTML.

SnoCharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
1&lceil;&#8968;Left ceiling
2&rceil;&#8969;Right ceiling
3&lfloor;&#8970;Left floor
4&rfloor;&#8971;Right floor
5&lang;&#10216;Left-pointing angle bracket
6&rang;&#10217;Right-pointing angle bracket
8&image;&#8465;Blackletter capital I, imaginary part
9&weierp;&#8472;Script capital P, power set
10&real;&#8476;Blackletter capital R, real part
11&alefsym;&#8501;Alef symbol, or first transfinite cardinal
12&spades;&#9824;Black spade suit
13&clubs;&#9827;Black club suit
14&hearts;&#9829;Black heart suit
15&diams;&#9830;Black diamond suit