JavaScript – This Keyword

What is “this” keyword ?

“this” keyword refers to the current object.

Why is “this” keyword used ?

Whenever javascript code is executed, its reference is to the current object/method codes is called using “this” keyword.

“this” keyword returns different values for different scenarios.

1. “this” is declared alone.

2. “this” inside an object method.

3. “this” inside a default function

4. “this” inside a function in strict mode.

5. “this” inside event handlers.

6. “this” inside object methods.

7. “this” inside call() method.

8. “this” inside apply() method.

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1. “this” is declared alone.

When “this” keyword is used alone, it refers the Global Object.The browser Global object is [object Window]

Example :

                         var a = this;
                         document.writeln("this keyword is declared alone<br/>");
                         document.writeln("Printing the variable a = "+a);        

Output :

2. “this” inside an object method.

In an object method, this refers to the “owner” of the method.

The StudentInfo object is the owner of the fullName method.

Example :

                        var StudentInfo = {
                                firstName: "Abdul",
                                lastName : "Kalaam",
                                age     : "87",
                                fullName : function() {
                                        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
                        document.writeln("Printing the FullName including FirstName and LastName<br/>");
                        document.writeln("<b>FullName = " + StudentInfo.fullName()+"</b>");


Output :

3. “this” inside a default function

The owner of the function is the default binding for “this”.

myFunction() returns  [object Window] .

Example :

                        function myFunction(){
                                return this;
                        document.writeln("Calling myFunction() <br/>");
                        document.writeln("<b>myFunction return value = " + myFunction()+"</b>");


Output :

4. “this” inside a function in strict mode.

“this” refers to the window Object in strict mode.

Example :

                        "use strict"
                        var a = this;
                        document.writeln("Strict mode printing the values <br/>");
                        document.writeln("<b> the value of a = " + a+"</b>");


Output :

5. “this” inside event handlers.

In HTML event handlers, “this” keyword refers to the HTML element that receives the event.

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>

                <title>Our title</title>
                        <button type="button" style="width:300px;height:100px;"onclick="'red'">
                                <b><font style="font-size:30px;">Click Me</font></b>

Output :

6. “this” inside object methods.

Printing the whole object

Example :

                        var StudentInfo = {
                                fName : "Abdul",
                                lName : "Kalaam",
                                age : "87",
                                country : "India",
                                fullName : function(){
                                        return this;
                        document.writeln("Printing the fullName <br/>");
                        document.writeln("<b> This returns the whole StudentInfo Object = " + StudentInfo.fullName()+"</b>");


Output :

7. “this” inside call() method.

call() method is a predefined JavaScript method.

call() method can be used to invoke a method with an owner object as an argument (parameter).

In call() method, an object can use a method belonging to another object.

Example :

		var StudentInfo = {
			fullName: function() {
				return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
		var student1 = {
			lastName: "Tendulkar"
		var student2 = {
			lastName: "Dravid"
		document.writeln("Printing the Student Info <br/>");
		document.writeln("This prints the student1 firstname and lastname = <b>" +"</b><br/>");
		document.writeln("This prints the student2 firstname and lastname = <b>" +"</b><br/>");

Output :

call() method with arguments

Example :

                var StudentInfo = {
                        fullName: function(age,country) {
                                return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName+" "+age+" "+country;
                var student1 = {
                        lastName: "Tendulkar"
                var student2 = {
                        lastName: "Dravid"
                document.writeln("Printing the Student Info <br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student1 firstname and lastname = <b>" +,"45","India")+"</b><br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student2 firstname and lastname = <b>" +,"43","India")+"</b><br/>");

Output :

8. “this” inside apply() method.

The apply() method is similar to the call() method (previous chapter).

The apply() method takes arguments as an array.

Example :

                var StudentInfo = {
                        fullName: function() {
                                return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
                var student1 = {
                        lastName: "Tendulkar"
                var student2 = {
                        lastName: "Dravid"
                document.writeln("Printing the Student Info <br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student1 firstname and lastname = <b>" + StudentInfo.fullName.apply(student1)+"</b><br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student2 firstname and lastname = <b>" + StudentInfo.fullName.apply(student2)+"</b><br/>");

Output :

apply() method with arguments

Example :

                var StudentInfo = {
                        fullName: function(age,country) {
                                return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName+" "+age+" "+country;
                var student1 = {
                        lastName: "Tendulkar"
                var student2 = {
                        lastName: "Dravid"
                document.writeln("Printing the Student Info <br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student1 firstname and lastname = <b>" + StudentInfo.fullName.apply(student1,["45","India"])+"</b><br/>");
                document.writeln("This prints the student2 firstname and lastname = <b>" + StudentInfo.fullName.apply(student2,["43","India"])+"</b><br/>");

Output :